While closing the chapter of Baccalaureate program of my life, ‘Life on Earth’ became miserable. Partially due to the knowledge relating to biodiversity, ecosystem, all sorts of pollution and their impact on people, and mainly because of the assignments, 8:00 am lectures and Friday dummy laboratory works. And, because of my coincidences with the major presentation this course ‘Life on Earth’ with Professor Dr. Hamid Saeed turned into a thriller. The first lesson started with Biodiversity, and I would later know that 22nd May is celebrated worldwide as a Biodiversity day.
Photo Courtesy:ifoam
“Biodiversity is the variation in the life forms within a given eco system, biome or on the surface of earth”.[1] Discussing biodiversity, therefore, would have required us to firstly understand variation in only one form of life, living in a particular biome and, there could be no other interesting specie in comparison to human beings. Because our habitat is Pakistan, it would be easy to discuss and comprehend diversity in the homo-sapiens of Pakistan. Now I guess that is what at least our professor had in mind while giving us opportunity to write on ‘diversity related to social and cultural lifestyles in Pakistan’.
Diversity related to social and cultural lifestyles in Pakistan refers to the notable heterogeneity in the country’s environment, scratched my pen on the blank paper. Therefore, to speak of diversity would mean to discuss every aspect of the diverse ethnic, language and religion, I thought. As I wrote, a pattern emerged in the deep corner of my mind that led me to expose the diverse aspects from the lens my experience, ranging from variation in ethnicity, lifestyles, cultures and their interaction. And, my pen didn’t stop…
Imagine a small town in the extreme north of Pakistan, adjacent to China border. Let’s name it Gojal, with population of 25000 people, scattered over a vast area in tiny villages, and let’s name their language Wakhi. Would you be appalled to know that these Wakhi people share their language with other clusters living in China, Afghanistan and Tajikistan? Will it seem interesting to see them celebrate their wedding in unique way lasting 5 to 7 days, and the many rituals based on seasons, for e.g Kithdheet (Welcoming spring),Taghm (marking the start of harvest), Chineer (marking the time to collect harvest)? But, that was how my childhood world appeared. All I knew was that people either have to grow small scale agriculture or run small enterprise or become teacher to earn and educate their children
Soon life started changing when I learned Urdu and English at school with our teachers. It was at school that I came to know about English speaking people via our foreigner teachers. All I knew at this stage was that Pakistanis are like us the Wakhi people and Pashtuuns (who came there for business) and the rest of the world is like English speaking people I met in school.
Then at the age of 15 years I got exposed to a world beyond the homogeneous society of Gojal, to experience the more challenging diversity of Gilgit town. Interaction of five different languages of Gilgit-Baltistan namely, Wakhi, Shina, Balti, Brushaski, and Khwar was the uniqueness in this diversity. Another aspect of the diversity was the exposure of different faith group students and people, who gave a rich insight of the various beliefs. But, it was here in Gilgit that I could see the same diversity translating into sectarian clashes and thus alarming us of the sensitive aspect of diversity.
“Ethnicity of Pakistan is generally described in terms of the geographic and administratively defined areas of Punjabis, Sindhis, Pashtuns and Balochis.[2] Upon my arrival in Lahore in 2005, I sank into the stream of the language of people spoken by “44.15% of the countries population”: the Punjabi language. The experience was enthralling as I came across people with flexible behavior and attitude who loved fun and entertainment and had acceptance for other people. The language itself was easy as it resembled Urdu. I found Punjabis to be staunch consumer of sucrose, their unique breakfast either is ‘Halwaa Puri” or “Naan Chanay”, and they love spicy food.
The other two ethnic groups whom I met here were Pahtuns and Balochis. Both had their own unparallel and different characteristics, like athletic activities, cohesiveness and friendly nature. In terms of celebration, while Punjabis made “Bhangra” at every music beat, Attan of the Pshtuns rocked the parties, and occasional Hareep from Gilgit-Baltistan took them to the dance floor.
Surprisingly, in Lahore the class difference could be seen clearly. While I was only aware of the term poverty, but now I could see it with my own eyes. While I had seen rich people in films and fiction novels, but it was here that I saw this faction of our society. Therefore, an evident “high culture” and “Low culture” became practical knowledge for me.
Photo Courtesy: Hindukush Trails
Photo Courtesy: Hindukush Trails
Turning to the most unique diverse experience in the cultural and social lifestyle of Pakistan, non other than the Kalash people have imprinted their lifestyle on my mind. Situated on a high valley of Chitral called Bambureth, the town constitute of people known to be the offsprings of Alexander the Great. Their colorful ornamental dress, rituals for marriage and for death at their temple and their unique living style is one of its kind in the whole world.
In conclusion, like the very variety found in all sort of organisms on earth, human beings themselves have unique diversity among each other. While diversity is strength in reality, but due to its sensitivity it could also be fatal. Being humans it is therefore our responsibility to protect our own specie along with the whole biodiversity. The unrest that we see in today’s Pakistan or any other human society is not the real face of the individuals living there. They carry with them a whole beautiful and diverse pattern of life, which we need to respect and protect. Only then can we make the ecosystem suitable and safe for the biodiversity.
[1] Wikipedia
[2] Curtin University of Technology
Representation of Cultural diversity in Urdu Newspapers of Pakistan. Jawad Saeed.
www.mediaasiaconference.curtin.edu.au/pdf/Jawad%20syed.pdf (Retrieved on 24-03-2011)
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