
Monday, November 17, 2008

My Blog seems Boring""""

I was most probably the first one to form a Blog when sir Manaan asked us to form one. From the begining till date what i have understood is, it is very easy to make a blog, but mantaining it is the difficult task.

Keeping in view this case I had to make a strategy and some short term plans which will be followed by implementation and control. What i have decided is that i will include my extra curricular activities in this blog. This will help me to be commited to what i am doing and what i plan to do, it will provide me a sense of direction and hopefully, a source of information about me to my collegues. It will also provide a room for feedback which is very effective source for improvment.

Updates after mids......

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Parallel situations BUT Perpendicular Approachs

Mr. Mannan was very kind to allow me in his B section of Mkt class and there i got chance to sit in Mr Riz's presentation and listen to Obama's speech. My comment is on Obama's speech. Through his speech we could hear the voice of the American people, we could see the culture of a multiculturistic nation, and we could feel the pluralistic approach (showing respect for differences) of the diverse group of citizens.

Now lets look at the beauty of our nation, a rich and highly multiculturistic nation, with diverse group of citizens and more than any thing else briliant minds. But, why do we lag behind in almost every sphere of life? Where do we go wrong? Why is it that we are not united and proactive as a nation starting from each individual?

In my opinion, we need to be principle oriented, we need to respect diversity, we desperatly need a leader who represents the common Pakistani and most importantly develop an approach which can guide all of us towards one well defined goal; and the leader who should do this must have the ability to market that goal to the various segments of our society.

Monday, November 10, 2008

The Day I Realised..........

My problem used to be thinking of myself as a bad communicator and doing nothing about it. Then a day came when i didn't just realise I had been a very bad communicator, but also that communication is a process based on skills like, Listening, Understanding, Speaking etc. etc.
And most importantly, being good at these skills means being a good communicator.
Other than this I was told that listening is the most important and basic skill.

At this stage I found the importance of defining and adressing the issues on hand rather than showing just concerns. Because, by doing so I managed to trace the disease of my illness whos symptom was Bad Communication, and the disease was Poor Listening Skill.
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