National Productivity Organization (NPO) is one of the very rare governmental organizations of Pakistan found with the vision of developing the private and public sector of the economy. As Operations Management is getting hype in the world, our government has come up with a very brilliant idea of assuring quality and productivity in our country’s manufacturing and service sector. In this regards NPO Pakistan has been incorporated under the Company Ordinance 2006 with the aim of enhancing productivity and implementation of productivity concepts in the Industrial setup. Their Liaison with Asian Productivity Organization (APO) Tokyo Japan speaks of the organization’s aim in promoting productivity in the public and private sector industries.
Global competitiveness creation through the formulation of enabling environment and introduction of programs that enhance productivity is the core of NPO’s vision and mission statement. With the objectives of improving the Pakistani Industry productivity wise, value addition through informative sessions on productivity and quality improvement, and compliance of industrial sector with international best practice, NPO has a serious and worthwhile job to do. The foundation to their objectives lie in the formation of knowledge based society with the help of training, system development and best practice.
Measurement of productivity of various sectors and inculcation of productivity and quality for policy formulation and national economy is an objective that alone can strengthen the current economic conditions of our country. Research works in this regards has benefits academically and practically; as students will get to analyze their own industrial sector meanwhile improving it.
Last but not the least, representation of Pakistan in APO is not just an objective to avail multitude benefits as a founder member but also a means of putting forward the better image of Pakistan.
Along with national partnership, NPO Pakistan has a wide range of networking with international institution which affirms the organizations importance and intentions for promoting productivity. Noteworthy is the list of many educational institutions of our country in the network category (and I wonder why our university is not included being the first institution in Pakistan to offer Operations Management as a field of specialization at Bachelors level). This as discussed earlier must be effective means of achieving the organizations overall objectives. ***
By: Zahir Shah
*** The article is based on the official website of NPO www.npo.gov.pk. This article was originally written for academic reasons.